Condolences: Chaim Topol

Known to all by one name, ‘Topol’, the Israeli actor, singer and illustrator was also known by another single name, ‘Tevye’, his signature role from Fiddler on the roof. Born September 9, 1935 in Tel Aviv, his father Jacob was a Russian immigrant and plasterer, who later served in the Haganah; his mother Inrela was from a Gerrer chasidish family, she was a seamstress. 

Topol’s career began during his military service in Israel. In 1964 he starred in the hit film Sallah Shabati, where he won his first Golden Globe, making this the first film from Israel to receive an Academy Award nomination. In 1971 he played Tevye in the movie adaptation of Fiddler on the Roof. Topol played the role of Tevye more than 3,500 times.

He passed away in Tel Aviv and is survived by his wife, Galia, and their three children. “I wasn’t brought up in Hollywood. I was brought up in a kibbutz.” – Topol

May his memory be a blessing.