Happy 102nd Birthday to Ágnes Keleti, Holocaust survivor and world champion gymnast! Born in Budapest on January 9, 1921, Keleti (née Klein) was the Hungarian National Champion in gymnastics by age 16. But in 1941, she was expelled from her gymnastics club due to her religion and was forced to go into hiding. Keleti survived the war by using a false identity, while her mother and sister were saved by Raoul Wallenberg. However, her father and uncles were murdered in Auschwitz. After the war, Keleti went on to win 10 Olympic medals, including 5 gold! She moved to Israel in 1957, competed in the Maccabiah Games, and coached the Israeli national gymnastics team. Today, Keleti lives in Budapest and is recognized as the most decorated female Jewish Olympian of all time. #MazalTov

Contributor: @jggoltz