TARDY NOTE TO TEACHER: From Dad #OnlyInIsrael February 7, 2017February 20, 2017 “Good Morning Teacher! Dad isn’t Mom. And Dad cannot do in an hour what Mom does in half an hour. Therefore, Talia is late. Blessings, Dad.” <span class="nav-subtitle screen-reader-text">Page</span> Previous PostSPOTTED: Chuck Norris at the Western Wall!Next Post“My name is Joseph Joffo and I am a Holocaust survivor. If my older brother and I are alive today, it is thanks to several people.” Related Posts Happy Jurrasic Purim from Israel Wishing You a Happy Purim Special Build-a-Bear Gift for Grandma I lost my great grandmother but my grandma lost her...
Happy Jurrasic Purim from Israel Wishing You a Happy Purim Special Build-a-Bear Gift for Grandma I lost my great grandmother but my grandma lost her...
Wishing You a Happy Purim Special Build-a-Bear Gift for Grandma I lost my great grandmother but my grandma lost her...