This video is a great way to go into Shabbos, it was posted by Bnai Yeshurun, a Shul in Teaneck, NJ, one of the hardest hit areas affected by the COVID-19 crisis.

To our Bnai Yeshurun family,

During this challenging time, we all find ourselves seeking chizuk wherever we can find it.

When hearing this song, we found ourselves moved by the words:

Refaenu Hashem v’nerafeh, hoshianu v’nivashea
Heal us Hashem and we will be healed, save us and we will be saved

As a community, we have suffered pain and loss and we have all davened – pleading to Hashem to provide a refuah for all those afflicted.

We hope that this song provides comfort and chizuk to you and that Hashem will answer all of our tefilot.

A.J., Aaron, & Johnny

Recorded by A.J. Schreiber, Johnny Shlagbaum & Aaron Shlagbaum
Originally performed by Miami Boys Choir Arranged by Mordy Weinstein
Edited and mixed by Jeff Eames