Jerusalem, 1895

#OnThisDay June 8, 2014, the first Humans of Judaism post was shared on Instagram. To mark the milestone, I thought I’d take a page out of my own family history and share it with you. Pictured: R’ Yaakov Mann, my great-great-great grandfather, with his foot on a rock standing next to his mule, circa 1895. This photo was taken in front of the original Shaare Zedek Medical Center on Jaffa Road in Jerusalem. He was the contractor for this structure and is photographed here surrounded by the men who worked with him in building the hospital. Shaare Zedek Medical Center opened its doors in 1902 and has been serving the Jerusalem community ever since. In January 1909, my great-great-great grandfather had become ill and ultimately passed away in the very hospital he had built. May his memory be a blessing.