Billionaire Michael Dell, chairman and CEO of Dell Technologies, and his wife Susan promised on Friday to give $36 million to assist in the efforts of rebuilding the city he grew up in.
Michael Dell was born in 1965...

The Split Synagogue in Croatia is one of the oldest European synagogues still in its original use.
In the 16th century, Sephardic Jews...

Humans of Judaism reaches 100,000 Instagram Followers

120 Years Ago Today: The First Zionist Congress Meets in Basel.
On August 29, 1897, the First...

“The first lone soldiers in Israel were the young holocaust survivors. Cleaning out my parents house I came across this old gem.”
“My grandfather on the right Aaron...

“The woman on the left is my grandmother, Eva Kostre. Born in Poland, she is a survivor of Auschwitz and Ravensbruck concentration camps.”
“This picture was taken in a...

Watching the Solar Eclipse from Brooklyn
Watching the Solar Eclipse from Brooklyn...