The Hurva Synagogue, is a historic synagogue located in the Jewish Quarter of the Old City of Jerusalem.
The synagogue was founded in the...

Two million people gathered in Times Square to celebrate the end of World War II, 1945.
Source: History In Pictures

Just WOW! A Must Watch.
https://www.facebook.com/humansofjudaism/videos/1776030969291390/ Source: www.human-themovie.org

The Bimah (a podium in the synagogue from which Torah is read) of the Old Synagogue of Tarnow, Poland is all that remains of a brick synagogue built in 1661 and burned down by Nazis on 9th of November 1939.
The original structure, most likely made...

HistoryMiami’s newest exhibit, “South Beach, 1974-1990: Photographs of a Jewish Community,” captures the time when the area was predominantly Jewish.
The Miami Beach building that was...

Check out this Sefer Torah Dedication
[KGVID]https://humansofjudaism.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/hachnassat-sefer-torah.mp4[/KGVID] “When I am at a...

The Belz Great Synagogue is the largest synagogue in Israel.
It was built by the Belz...

Don’t be afraid to wave your flag! !אל תפחדו להתגאות בדגל
#shavuatov Don’t be afraid to wave...

Shavuah Tov, Good Week from Jerusalem
Source: State of Israel, Photo: @a_peacemaker

The Judah Hyam Synagogue in New Delhi, India was built in 1956.
From Indian independence in 1947 until...

“I spent my first Shabbat at the Western Wall, which was a surreal and powerful experience.”
“I’m not a religious person, but...

THE SHABBAT PROJECT: Keeping It Together
Every city. Every town. Everyone’s invited....