Guess who created the popular board game “Guess Who”? Here is some history behind the Jewish founders, Ora and Theo Coster.

Ora was born on a kibbutz by the Sea of Galilee. Theo was born in Amsterdam and was a classmate of Anne Frank. During the Holocaust, Theo was hidden by a Dutch family, who were later recognized by Yad Vashem as Righteous Among the Nations.

Theo and Ora met in Israel and got married. Together, they started a gift business in Tel Aviv in 1965, which was eventually named Theora Design, a combination of their two names. Theora Design is responsible for creating over 150 toys and games. Most notably, “Guess Who?” was released in 1979 and became a highly popular board game worldwide.

Theo and Ora are buried in Tel Aviv. Their headstones are in the shape of a “Guess Who?” board, complete with the game’s signature flip-up design.