The History Behind an Almost 500 Year Hebron Old Synagogue

The Abraham Avinu Synagogue was built in the Jewish Quarter of Hebron in 1540. The domed structure represented the physical center of the Jewish Quarter of Hebron, and became the spiritual center of the Jewish Community there and a major center for the study of Kabalah. It was restored in 1738 and enlarged in 1864.

The synagogue stood empty since the 1929 Hebron massacre and was destroyed after 1948. Jordan took control of the area in 1948, and after this time a wholesale market, trash dump and public toilet were placed on the site of the Jewish Quarter. The ruins of the synagogue were turned into a goat and donkey pen. The adjacent, “Kabbalists’ Courtyard” was turned into an abattoir.

After the Six Day War in 1967, a gradual return of Jews took place to the Jewish Quarter in Hebron. In 1971 the Israeli Government approved the rebuilding of the synagogue, courtyard and adjoining buildings. Work on the restoration was underway in 1976.

Today, the rebuilt synagogue is used by the Jewish residents of Hebron to hold prayer services and is open to visitors so they can learn about the history of the synagogue and the Jewish history of Hebron.

Wishing you all #ShabbatShalom! #GKTsynagogue

Source: GO Kosher Travel via Bentzi Sasson