“My name is Menachem Mendel Krashunsky.
I am fifteen years old I had my Bar Mitzvah two years ago, but it was not until my first visit to Israel that I felt the importance of Judaism in my life. I felt that I wanted to be more involved in study and practice of my religion. I felt in love with Israel the first day of my visit. I felt being at home right away not even speaking a word in Hebrew. I was amazed and proud of every Israeli who contributed in developing our small holly land in such a beautiful and great country. When I came back to Los Angeles I decided to learn more about Judaism.
Rabbi Levin a Chabad taught me how to put on Tefillin. The following week in my local synagogue I had a Hebrew naming ceremony. My Rabbi and I chose the name Menachem Mendal. Two weeks later I heard an amazing story from my great Grandmother who is also a Holocaust survivor. She told me that her grandfather was a Hasidic Jew and his name was also Menachem Mendel. I had no idea.
Two weeks later my great grandmother receives a call from her cousin in Canada her cousin tells her that they found her grandfathers siddur and talit that they used every single day my great grandmother told her the story of me taking on his name and they decided to ship it out to Los Angeles and that I should have it. I felt so blessed that this happened I couldn’t believe it my great grandmother told me, ” this is not some coincidence this is all G-d work he wanted you to have his name and his 121 year old Siddur and tallit we are very blessed”.
He was the last person in our family so dedicated to the religion and I feel very happy that I am able to continue his practices and Torah studying and pass it to my kids and grandkids just like my Great great great grandfather would want us to. BH” – Menachem Mendel