I’ve been waiting to take this picture for days…
From the first day of chol hamoed Sukkot, when I caught a glimpse of a man in a talit go to the ‘arava bush’ – that I’d never noticed before! – behind my house to replenish his lulav, I’ve been determined to photograph someone doing just that.
So I dutifully set my alarm each day, went outside with a cup of coffee and my phone, and waited. And waited. Nobody came…
I even sent a WhatsApp message to a minyan group at a nearby synagogue. No one even related to it…
This morning I drank my coffee inside but was alerted by my dog barking. I glanced out the window, and, Yes!!!! (good boy Chewie!)
I dashed outside and started snapping away, feeling like I won the lottery.
This may be the weirdest Sukkot ever, but I got my picture…
Source: @laurabendavd