
Rescued hostage Noa Argamani and her father Yaakov visited the Ohel this morning in New York. The burial site of the Lubavitcher Rebbe is a sacred place of prayer. Yaakov had previously visited the site in November 2023, placing Noa’s missing person poster on the graveside and praying for the safe return of his daughter. Today, they stand side by side in gratitude for her return and in prayer for the immediate release of the remaining hostages. #BringThemHome 🎗️ Video: Bentzi Sasson

♬ Bring You Home – Tamir

Rescued hostage Noa Argamani and her father Yaakov visited the Ohel this morning in New York. The burial site of the Lubavitcher Rebbe is a sacred place of prayer. Yaakov had previously visited the site in November 2023, placing Noa’s missing person poster on the graveside and praying for the safe return of his daughter. Today, they stand side by side in gratitude for her return and in prayer for the immediate release of the remaining hostages. #BringThemHome

Video: Bentzi Sasson