
In November 2013, my father passed away suddenly.

A few months had gone by and it was important to me to do something in his memory. When you do a mitzvah or say a prayer in memory of the deceased, it is said to elevate the Soul.

About 6 months into my year of mourning, I had an idea.

On June 8, 2014 Humans of Judaism was created.

The idea was to create a positive environment on social media that highlights the good in our community and the humanity of each Jew. Shortly after the page was launched was the kidnapping of the 3 boys in Israel, Eyal, Gilad & Naftali which was immediately followed by the outbreak of Operation Protective Edge. The entire Jewish community was looking for something – looking for strength, comfort and unity. In no time, more and more people were finding the page, liking the posts and submitting their own stories for consideration. Today, Humans of Judaism has morphed into something so special. It is a place where Jews from around the world along with our neighbors and friends, can share our online moments that celebrate our Jewish traditions.

Thank you for joining me on this journey.

– Nikki Schreiber, Founder/Operator

Dedicated in loving memory of my father, Bayrish Schreiber Z’L

 לזכר נשמת ישכר בעריש בן יהודה ישעיה הלוי שרייבער ז״ל

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